by Jill C. Cash MSN APN FNP-BC, Cheryl A. Glass MSN
Format: PDF 50Mb
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company; 4 edition
(January 20, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0826177115
ISBN-13: 978-0826177117
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This bible of
family practice for primary care students and clinicians provides current
national practice guidelines for professional standards of care across the life
span. Concise and clearly organized, the resource features detailed,
step-by-step instructions for physical examinations and diagnostic testing in
the outpatient setting, information on health promotion, care guidelines,
dietary information, information on culturally responsive care, patient
resources, and abundant patient education handouts.
This fourth
edition is updated to include new evidence-based guidelines for rheumatology,
public health (featuring updated information on substance abuse, violence,
obesity, homelessness, and lesbian health), the sports physical exam and
interventions, endocrinology, new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) recommendations for health maintenance, posttraumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) assessment and management, restless legs syndrome, sexual dysfunction
treatment, and psychiatric disorders. Several new and updated Patient Teaching
Guides--with printable education points--add to the book's outstanding utility
as a thorough and reliable clinical resource. Each of the 268 diagnoses
includes defi nition, incidence, pathogenesis, predisposing factors, common
complaints, signs/symptoms, subjective data, physical exam and diagnostic
tests, differential diagnosis, and a care plan.
New to the
Fourth Edition:
New and
updated guidelines for:
Rheumatology: polymyalgia rheumatica, Sjögren’s syndrome, psoriatic
arthropathy, pseudogout (calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate), ankylosing
spondolitis, reactive arthritis, Raynaud's syndrome
- Public
Health: substance abuse, violence, obesity, homelessness, lesbian health
- Sports
Exam: assessment and treatment
recommendations: vaccine and cancer screening
Endocrinology: diabetes management and new Food and Drug
Administration-approved medications
- The latest
ACC & AHA Guidelines for Hypertension (2017)
- Neurology:
PTSD and restless legs syndrome management
- Sexual
- Bipolar and
other behavioral health disorders
New and
updated Patient Teaching Guides
Key Features:
information for 268 disorders in consistent format for ease of use
key considerations with Practice Pointers
individual care points for pediatric, pregnant, and geriatric patients
Includes 138
printable Patient Teaching Guides
Offers 18
procedure guidelines and routine health maintenance guidelines
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