New Approaches to Aortic Diseases from Valve to
Abdominal Bifurcation 1st Edition
by Ion C. Tintoiu, John A. Elefteriades, Adrian
Ursulescu, Malcolm John Underwood, Ionel Droc (Editor)
Format: PDF Original: 19Mb
Publisher: Academic
Press; 1 edition (November 29, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0128099798
ISBN-13: 978-0128099797
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New Approaches to Aortic Disease from
Valve to Abdominal Bifurcation provides a complete look at aortic valve
diseases from all points of view, including etiology, physiopathology,
prevention, diagnosis and treatment. The book offers new insights into the
aortic valve and pathology based on evidence of current diagnostic methods,
treatments and post-surgery evolution. Content is split into three distinct
parts for ease of reference, including an overview of aortic pathology,
diagnostic evaluations methods, and treatments. Also included are guidelines
and future research directions, making this a must-have volume for all
cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons who address significant issues in
this topic area.
pathophysiological sequences that are shown in correlation with histological
detailed clinical examinations and the value of the initial assessment using
chest X-ray, echocardiography, angiography, CT angiography and magnetic
resonance, etc.
conventional descriptions of surgical techniques that are entirely detailed,
along with long-term results and possible complications.
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